You can have the best desktop hardware possible in the world for those juicy framerates, but there is one more component that might be holding you from experiencing the best gaming experience out of your pc. That component is a monitor. Unless you are not familiar with tech stuff, you might get confused that how a monitor can hold back the performance of your pc, well to be precise, it is not the performance but the refresh rate which can change the experience of gaming. A monitor is much more than a display and refresh rate machine. Some panels can affect the image quality depending on the monitor’s panel; a TN panel, an IPS panel, or a VA panel. And not to mention response rates. The topic which we will be discussing today is only the refresh rates, and will discuss the panels and response rates in a future article. High refresh rate monitors are becoming the norm of gaming hardware, but they are still expensive to afford for many people. Many people have nothing but one issue when they decide to build a computer or upgrade some of the parts of their machines, and that is the budget. If you are thinking about getting a new monitor for your setup even before this article or decided to get one after reading the article, which monitor should you get? A 75Hz or 120Hz or 144HZ or a 240Hz monitor, which one you should buy and why you should buy that specific monitor let us have a look:

60 Hz vs. 120 Hz vs. 144 Hz vs. 240 Hz – When To Upgrade?

Having a simple high refresh rate monitor will not be enough. The first thing that you should ensure is your hardware capable of taking advantage of a higher refresh rate, let us say 144Hz? If the game that you would like to play on the 144Hz display, but is your rig capable of getting over 144 FPS in multiple games? If the answer is yes, you definitely need a high refresh rate monitor for your setup. If the answer to the above question is no, then you should think about getting a lower refresh rate monitor than 144Hz. In case your system is more than capable of running most games at over 200 FPS at 1080p or 1440p, then which monitor you should get? Or do you need a high refresh rate monitor in the first place? To know the answer to this question, keep reading this article to find an answer to this question.

What Is The Refresh Rate?

Before getting into the guide for a monitor with the best refresh rate for your pc, it is crucial to know the basic working of a monitor. It will help you decide on selecting a new display for your computer. The refresh rate of monitors is generally represented in terms of Hz or hertz. What does that mean? Hertz is a unit to measure frequency. Generally speaking, irrespective of the context, monitor hertz refers to how many frames your monitor can display in one second. Hertz is the number of times per second the monitor refreshed the display; it displays a new image after every refresh. A 60Hz monitor is capable of displaying 60 frames in one second. The monitor will refresh exactly 60 times and will display 60 different frames in a second, nothing less and nothing more. So, any game running at more than 60 framerate per second, a 60 Hz monitor will not be able to display the extra frames; instead, the users will experience a troublesome issue called the “screen tearing”. This is the story for gaming, but what about videos? Almost every movie or video is shot at 24 frames per second. In this case, the movie has limited frames to display. Thus changing the monitor’s refresh rate will not make any difference.

How Do Refresh Rates Work For Monitors?

Refresh rate is exactly what it means; it is the monitor display’s ability to refresh per second. It is represented in hertz. One hertz refresh rate will display one image or frame in one second. Similarly, in a 60-hertz monitor, the display will refresh sixty times. Whenever a new image is available from the pc, it will display a new image after every refresh. So, if the game is running at a stable 60 frames per second, the monitor will display sixty discrete frames in one second. The time between each refresh/update is measured in milliseconds. In a 60 hertz monitor, the monitor will refresh or update the display after 16 milliseconds. In short, a new image is displayed right after 16 milliseconds on a 60-hertz monitor. Similarly, for any monitor having a higher refresh rate like 144 Hz or more means how many time the display refreshes and display data more often. The time between each update in a higher refresh monitor is generally lower, i.e., less than 10 milliseconds. This offers two advantages, one is a much smoother experience, the second is low latency. For example, in 144 Hz display monitors, the time between each update is around eight milliseconds which is twice as less than a 60 Hz display. The high refresh rate monitor will be able to display new updated images rendered by GPU + CPU in around eight milliseconds than sixteen milliseconds in a 60 Hz display. This is why having a high refresh rate monitor is recommended for competitive games. The monitor will only be able to display such high frame rates only if the pc is capable of generating such a high number of frames. Like, if your pc is capable of generating only 30 frames per second, and your monitor has a refresh rate of 144 Hz, the higher refresh rate will not be of any use, as it is not utilized in such scenarios.

Do You Need A High-Refresh Gaming Monitor?

Before upgrading to a high refresh rate monitor, it is a good idea to check the capabilities of your pc hardware first. Almost every person that is looking for a high refresh rate monitor will be interested in gaming. There are many methods to test whether you should get a high refresh gaming monitor for your rig or not. One of the reliable methods is by using framerate monitoring utilities like MSI Afterburner, Steam in-game overlay, or using FRAPS. Use any of the listed utilities and turn the framerate monitoring on in-game, then launch any graphic intensive game and monitor the game’s framerate. If it is higher than 140 and closer to 200, then you can upgrade to 144 Hz or even 240 Hz monitor. If your computer is struggling with even 60 frames, it is unlikely you will see any difference in a high-refresh-rate monitor than a 60 Hz monitor, and you will enjoy any benefit from a high-refresh-rate monitor. Now, what type of hardware do you need to achieve these higher framerates? So that you can benefit from a high-refresh gaming monitor. The requirement varies on the genre of the game we are discussing. Older games or games that are not graphic intensive, i.e., games which do not emphasize graphics but gameplay like most competitive titles, it is possible to achieve higher frames per second, and high-refresh gaming monitors can be utilized to their full potential. These games are least dependent on the latest cutting-edge hardware that means higher refresh rates are attainable with mediocrely powered hardware. When talking about games built with the latest technologies that rely highly on graphics means a high-powered machine is required to pull the higher framerate. Such games can attain higher framerates by tweaking their graphic settings and playing on either 1080p or 1440p. This would get you the desired framerates at a cost of the graphics of the games. In short, to attain high framerates, the game should be less resource-demanding. Otherwise, a compromise would be made on graphics settings and resolution. If you are not interested in higher framerates and want to enjoy the highest graphics possible, you might as well do not need any high-refresh-rate gaming monitor. A 4K monitor with a 60 Hz display would be the best choice for your needs. In those cases, you might have to focus on panels instead of refresh rates. If you are interested in media editing, rendering, and content creating, a high-refresh-rate monitor is not for you unless you want the best hardware possible for your machine. Common Refresh Rate Options Now that we know what refresh rate means and how monitor operates in terms of refresh rates, and now you are interested in high refresh gaming monitors, there are tons of options to choose from, which can be overwhelming for people who have no idea about computer hardware. There are five different refresh rate options, each with different resolutions in monitors. These five different refresh rates are:

60 Hz 120 Hz 144 Hz 240 Hz 360 Hz

The common resolutions that feature these refresh rates are mostly 1080p, 1440p, and 4K. The 4K is the most expensive choice and will be taxing on the hardware, These monitors are just for true enthusiasts that have state-of-the-art machines with the fastest and most powerful CPU and GPU installed in their rig. 360 Hz is also new in the market, and there are not many options for the monitor, and honestly, there is no reason to get such a high refresh rate monitor unless you want to play only competitive games. The focus of this article will be the most common refresh rates other than 360 Hz. Here are some of the most common comparisons of these refresh rates:

1- 60Hz Monitors

60 Hz monitors are the most popular and common refresh rate of monitors for quite some time now. It’s not as popular as a decade ago but still is one of the most used refresh rates around the globe. One of the reasons behind the success of 60 Hz monitors is due to their low prices. The technology is the oldest out of other high refresh rate monitors, and it will take a while until almost all of the gamers will move on to monitors with higher refresh rates. 60 Hz monitors are not bad in any case and will do just fine for most single-player titles, which depends on the resolution. If you have a 1440p or 4K monitor, getting over 60 frames per second with a medium-budget system is nothing but a miracle. Generally, running AAA titles or games that require a high-budget computer to be able to run the game at over 60 frames per second in resolutions like 1440p or 4K. It also depends on which game are you planning to play mostly. If you have never seen a game running on a 120 or 144 Hz monitor, my suggestion is to stay away until you can purchase a rig worthy of such refresh rate monitors. If you are planning to play single-player games like GTA V, Cyberpunk 2077, and other popular titles, 60 Hz displays will do just fine but at a higher resolution than 1080p. But if you are planning to play competitive titles, 60 Hz will surely, hold you back. You should look for a much higher refresh gaming monitor.

2- 120Hz Monitors

120 Hz is a popular refresh rate that is getting adapted by most gamers due to the monitors getting cheaper and accessible to almost anyone. This refresh rate is most popular with the 1440p resolution. Although 1080p is still the most popular resolution for refresh rates higher than 120 Hz. These monitors are still a viable choice for any game, be it single-player RPGs or competitive first-person shooters like CS: GO. Fun fact about 120 Hz or high refresh rate monitors is their ability to overclock, just like any GPU or CPU. Yes, you read that right. You can push your monitor’s native refresh rate to double digits. Most of the 120 Hz monitors can be overclocked to 144 Hz. The output on a 120 Hz display is twice as much as a 60 Hz display, and the difference between these two displays is of day and night. If you saw how gaming feels like on a 120 Hz monitor, you may never be able to switch back to 60 Hz again. That being said, another advantage of getting a 120 Hz monitor is the latency. The time measured between a single refresh is reduced to single-digit milliseconds than double-digit milliseconds on a 60 Hz monitor. Other advantages include the smoothness of the animations in the video game and the elimination of irritating issues like “screen tearing”. A screen tearing occurs when the GPU is rendering frames at a much faster pace which is beyond the monitor’s refresh rate. Which results in a framerate and refreshes rate mismatch, and you will see two different frames in a single image that looks different from a frame currently on the screen.

3- 144Hz Monitors

144 Hz monitors are by far the most popular and becoming the norm of gaming every passing day. These monitors are becoming affordable, and several companies are offering decent monitors. Due to their affordability and 144 Hz refresh rate, almost every gamer that plays competitive games has upgraded to 144 Hz monitors. The most common resolution that is paired with 144Hz is 1080p because it ensures the maximum possible framerate. If you want, you can get a 144 Hz choice for 1440p as well as 4K, although it requires a fortune to spend to get a computer capable of running games at these high resolutions and high refresh rates. If your PC is buffed and can run most games over 150-200 frames per second, getting a 144 Hz native refresh rate monitor will change the way you look at video games. These monitors can also be overclocked and can be pushed up to 175 Hz. If you have previously owned a 120 Hz display, you might not notice a difference, but if you are switching from 60 Hz to 144 Hz directly, the game will have a different meaning to your eyes, and you will be stuck with this refresh rate forever and will never downgrade back to 60 Hz. In 144 Hz monitors, the display updates 144 times in a second with an impressive time to update between each image or frame to be displayed on the monitor’s panel. Thus reducing the latency, which is a must if you are a competitive gamer. Screen tearing is also reduced, and the animations become smooth as butter, which can elevate the gaming experience to a level you have never experienced before.

4- 240Hz Monitors

The last refresh rate that you have to choose to purchase from the market is 240 Hz. This refresh rate is getting popular by competitive players, mostly by first-person shooting games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Call of Duty titles, and more. Not only that, but it is also getting popular in almost every competitive game, like MOBAs, and third-person shooters. One of the biggest reasons behind this is that almost all of the competitive games are not graphic intensive and go easy on the GPU and CPU. This lack of relying on the hardware allows the game to be pushed beyond the 200 framerate, and the high framerate advantage is only utilized by monitors capable of having a refresh rate over 200 Hz, which is now possible by 240 Hz monitors. These monitors offer the smoothest gaming experience and can prevent issues like screen tearing, motion blur, and more. These monitors can be overclocked to 265 Hz, which is insane. The best resolution for this type of refresh rate is undoubtedly 1080p or 1440p at max. If you are planning to play single-player games at this refresh rate, you might want to get the monitor with a 1080p resolution or 1440p.

Advantages Of High FPS And Refresh Rates

There are countless advantages of having high FPS and refresh rates in gaming than not having these benefits at high FPS but lower refresh rates. Out of the several advantages, the most popular advantages of getting the monitors with high hertz refresh are: Having a competitive edge in multiplayer games There is no other bigger advantage of getting a display with a high-refresh-rate is to have the edge over other players in competitive games like the first person, third-person games, MOBAs, etc. Players will take the most benefit of a higher framerate per second and refresh rate, is in a first-person game, mostly first-person shooters like Call of Duty, Battlefield, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Apex Legends, and so many more. A higher refresh rate ensures smoother and fluid animations, which means you will be able to see the enemies more realistic and have more time to react to unlike in low refresh rates. This is not limited to first-person games only, game in the third person like Fortnite, Overwatch, Paladins, and more, and MOBAs can also take advantage of these high frame rates and refresh rates. This puts the player into a competitive advantage and can carry the player to victory. Input Response The second biggest advantage of owning a monitor with a high-refresh-rate is the input response and decreased input lag. This latency or input lag is not caused by your pc or anything. It is due to the time in millisecond your monitor takes to update/refresh the display in one second. A 60 Hz display has over 16 milliseconds of delay between each refresh which is halved when switched to a 120 Hz monitor or higher. A 240 Hz monitor even halves the response time to a mere 4-millisecond difference that reduced input lag significantly, and the character feels more alive and fluid than on low refresh rates. A lower input lag is a must if your uttermost priority is competitive games. It should be noted that the monitor refresh rate is not the cause behind the input lag. It just helps in reducing it. Refresh rate is just how quickly the monitor displays a new image/frame on your monitor when a new action is performed by your pc. Other benefits include the elimination of screen tearing if the number of frames rendered by your GPU matches the refresh rate of your monitor, which is a good advantage to have if you are bothered by screen tearing.

1- Difference In Character Movement

One of the most obvious differences, when switched from a low to high refresh rate, is the perception of character movement. Every person has a different ability to perceive things. Some people can tell the difference between 60 Hz to 120 Hz instantly which some will say that they look the same. This is true if the character is in a still position. If the character is moving or the world around the character is moving, this is where the real difference starts and becomes obvious. Have you ever tried to watch a movie at a high speed than usual? If not, try watching any movie or video at a fast speed. The video will feel extra smooth due to more frames being rendered in a second compared to the usual 23-24 frames per second. Similar is the case in video games. In 60 Hz, the character will have a smooth movement, but when a similar character is rendered on a 120 Hz monitor, the animation will not be the same. The reason is simple; it is due to the limiting number of frames the monitor can display at 60 Hz than 120 Hz. In 120 Hz or higher, the character animation will play more frames and eventually feels way smooth than in 60 Hz. Similar is the case with 144 and 240 Hz. Although the animations on a 144 Hz are astonishingly smooth and responsive, 240 Hz will be better. A desert will keep getting sweet the more sugar you will add. The character moving in a monitor with high hertz frequency will have a reduced ghosting effect around the characters along with other distracting issues. In a low refresh rate, the ghosting effect is prominent and causes distraction.

2- Difference in Bullet’s Movement

Believe it or not, a difference between a low and high refresh rate can affect the bullet’s moment. Not to confuse things here, the animations for the gun firing bullets to the point it reaches the enemy do not change. Then how does refresh rate affect bullet movements? The answer to this question is due to two types of delays that happen in real-time; the first delay happens from the game state to the actual display, which is the update time taken by the monitor to refresh the screen. The other delay is the smaller input lag. Meaning when you click your mouse button, the action will cause the GPU to update the rendering frames, which then goes to the CPU and back to the monitor. If the monitor has a refresh rate of 60 Hz, it will have a delay of 16 milliseconds to update the new data on your screen. So in 60 Hz and 60 frames per second, you will be missing a lot of these shots, despite it might have looked that you actually hit your enemy. In low Hz and frames per second, it will require the person to be extra attentive to his environments and predict his enemy movement to be able to kill them during the game. It is best described as mastering the delay in your head. This is not the case for high refresh rate monitors. The input lag and latency significantly improve, and the movement also becomes smooth as butter. This means a high refresh rate monitor will make the game way easier for your eyes and the brain.

The Real Comparison Between Different Refresh Rate Monitors

Now that we know the main differences between each refresh rate and their effect on several video games, especially competitive titles, you might ask, where is the comparison I was looking for? Your wait ends here as it is time to compare multiple refresh rates and mentioning their pros and cons. This will help in selecting the best monitor depending on what type of game that you are planning to experience on the monitor. Without any further ado, let us get to the comparison.

#1- 60 Hz Vs. 120 Hz

Starting the obvious and the most mainstream refresh rate comparison by comparing two of the most popular refresh rates in the world, 60 Hz and 120 Hz. This is the biggest jump a person can make from a low to a high-refresh-rate. The jump is as big as day and night. The differences are almost immediately recognizable; this is for people who have played games on 60 Hz almost of their entire life. The difference will be hard to tell if you do not play games and you have a pc for any other purpose than playing video games. Then you might say 60 Hz and 120 Hz are the same, except for more smooth animations while using Windows. The advantages you will get after shifting to 120 Hz are so many like fluid and smoother character animations. Issues like screen tearing and ghosting are also reduced. If a monitor has a refresh rate, it will require time to refresh the display in one second. How many times will it refresh depends on the number of hertz the monitor is. For a 60 Hz display, the screen will update 60 times a second in 144 Hz, the display will update 144 times per second which allows more frames to be displayed on the screen, which ensures smooth animations. The time between each update was also reduced to 120 Hz, which is 8 milliseconds than 16 milliseconds of 60 Hz. This induces input delay and causes latency.

#2- 144 Hz Vs. 240 Hz

This is also making a jump from a smooth experience to a buttery smooth experience but the jump this time is not as huge as from 60 to 120 Hz. This is an important discussion for people who have the hardware capable of getting over 200 frames per second. The difference might look huge, but in real life, the differences are relatively subtle. Mostly the differences are not obvious, and you must look close to be able to tell the difference between 144 Hz vs. 240 Hz battle. If you are willing to go the extra mile to get the best and have the money to spare. Other than that, there are not many advantages of upgrading to 240 Hz, unless again, your system is more than capable of displaying FPS over 200 or more. For single-player games, it is quite taxing on the system hardware to render frames over 100 fps at ultra-quality settings. In such scenarios, you will not be able to take full advantage of the high refresh rate monitor. But there is a big advantage of having a 240 Hz display, which is the latency. A 144 Hz display takes about 7 milliseconds to refresh the display with new frames or images. In a 240 Hz display, the update time is as less as 4 milliseconds. This is one of the few reasons professional players are opting for a 240 Hz monitor.

What About The 360Hz Gaming Monitor?

In 2019, ASUS teased their ROG Swift PG360 monitor display on their YouTube account. The date the video was uploaded was none other than 4th April. This made several people into thinking that it is an April’s Fool prank. However, ASUS was not kidding and actually announced their 360 Hz display at CES 2020. Taking almost everyone by surprise, including people who believed 240 Hz to be the highest refresh rate monitors we may ever need. In theory, a 360 Hz monitor sounds like the best deal as the number of frames refreshing per second is increasing, which also decreased the time taken to refresh the display, which is around 2 milliseconds. No, it does not improve the experience whatsoever. Although displays with a higher frequency to update means less ghosting as the pixels change color rapidly, this ensures a clearer image. But it has been observed a phenomenon by users that have owned a 360 Hz display. This phenomenon is called inverse ghosting. It refers to a trail left behind by a moving object in a particular direction. Not to mention the ridiculous price tag of these monitors. There are very few games that can fully utilize the benefits of a 360 Hz monitor are either older games or games that do not rely on cutting-edge hardware to be able to display a higher framerate. In short, no 360 Hz monitors are not worth upgrading as of now.

G-Sync Vs. FreeSync Technology

If a monitor has a refresh rate that is lower than the frames coming from the pc, you will often experience a problem known as screen tearing. It happens due to a mismatch of the refresh rate and frames per second. To fix the issue, Vertical Synchronization or V-Sync, for short, was introduced. It is a display technology that helps the user from experiencing screen tearing. V-Sync put a cap on the number of FPS generated by the computer to match the screen refresh rate. This technology often comes in handy, especially for single-player games. However, in multiplayer games, using V-Sync, a new problem arrives. This is the increase in the input lag/delay. Most people would prefer to play competitive games with screen tearing than playing with input delay. Nvidia and AMD released their own versions of adaptive-sync technology called G-Sync (Nvidia) and FreeSync (AMD), which work on the same principle as V-Sync. These technologies are more advanced and better than typical V-Sync. Monitors having G-Sync technologies take benefits of technologies like HDR. V-Sync holds the pc from generating more FPS than the monitor’s refresh rate. G-Sync and FreeSync, on the contrary, are monitor technologies that synchronize the monitor’s display according to the output generated by the graphics card. This leads to a tear-free experience. G-Sync ensures that the monitor’s display is set according to the frames rendered by the GPU. For example, if the card is generating 80 FPS, G-Sync will set the monitor’s refresh rate to 80 and so on. FreeSync is an open-source technology available to everyone, which is different than G-Sync, but the purpose is the same, to eliminate tearing. Though FreeSync works with the display ports of the monitor, people often experience issues like ghosting when using FreeSync. FreeSync is better if you are looking for low input lag but do not mind tearing, G-Sync is for a much smoother experience but has minor input lag, and G-Sync capable monitors cost more, while FreeSync is free to use for everyone.

Should You Upgrade From 60Hz To 144Hz?

Honestly speaking, if your hardware is capable enough to maintain a framerate of over 100 frames per second in almost every game, be it a competitive or graphics-intensive single-player game, then upgrading from 60 to 144 Hz will change your life. It is like jumping from day to night. It causes such a big difference. Except for the costs, there are several advantages of making the jump. The first advantage is no more screen tearing. The second and biggest advantage is less input delay than 60 Hz. The third big advantage is the smoother animations and experience. However, if you are planning to purchase a new monitor for your professional work, you might not feel any difference other than using Windows. If you are planning to play competitive or single-player games, then you should upgrade to 144 Hz if costs are not an issue for you.

Should You Upgrade from 144Hz to 240Hz?

The gap between 144 Hz and 240 Hz is bigger than 60 Hz to 144 Hz, but in reality, you may not feel any difference unless you inspect close to see the differences. If you are planning to play competitive games or single-player games on a 240 Hz monitor. Sure, the animations will be smooth, and the input delay will also be reduced, but is it worth it? Let us find out, first confirm, if your PC is capable of generating high enough frames per second, like 200 frames in games that you play most of the time, and then yes, go for it. Upgrading from 144 to 240 Hz is worth it. But if you are going to play only single-player games or your pc is not capable enough to generate over 200 FPS, then you will not benefit from a high-refresh-rate. One thing to keep in mind, if you are planning to get a 240 Hz monitor and will later upgrade your GPU and CPU, then it is a good idea. There are several refresh rate monitors available in the market, which are still dominated by 60 Hz. The technology is getting older and will be replaced by 120 or 144 Hz in the future. There are several benefits of using a high refresh rate monitor. High refresh rate displays are preferred by competitive gamers, while professional workers and people who will perform any task other than video games would prefer a low refresh rate but higher resolution. The need for the display varies from person to person. The monitors with a 144 or 240 Hz refresh rate cost more than a 60 Hz does, but the advantages make the investment worth it. Plus, these monitors will last for years, and you will only have to think about upgrading your CPUs or GPUs. The summary of this article is, if you are a competitive player, you cannot go wrong with a high refresh rate monitor. But if you like playing single-player campaigns and would love to enjoy your games at the maximum possible graphics settings, you will not benefit from high refresh rates. The same goes for people who are willing to get a new monitor for their work.

#1 – Is there a 1000 Hz monitor?

No, there are no 1000 Hz monitors released at the time of writing. Nvidia does have plans to launch 1000 Hz displays in the later future. Right now, we are stuck with 240 and 360 Hz monitors. These monitors are absolute beasts and cost a lot of money.

#2 – Is there a 500 Hz monitor?

No, the highest possible refresh rate monitor that is available for purchase in the market is the 360 Hz monitor. In the future, there will be monitors with refresh rates of 500 or 1000 Hz, but it will take some time. Not to mention, the hardware capable of generating a similar number of frames per second.

#3 – Can you really tell the difference between 60Hz and 144Hz?

The human eye can detect over 1000 frames per second. With this in mind, the human eye can easily detect the difference between 60 and 144 Hz. The difference is like day and night. You do not have to look with attention to be able to tell the differences as they are very obvious.

#4 – Is 60Hz refresh rate good for gaming?

60 Hz is an old technology but is still holding its ground against other high-refresh rates. If you are planning to play single-player games, 60 Hz is a decent refresh rate, but the experience will be better on displays with a higher number of hertz. It is a bad choice for competitive games.

#5 – Is 240Hz monitor overkill?

No, it is not, but I understand why people would call it overkill due to the smaller gap between 144 and 240 Hz and the huge price tag. Unless you want the absolute best, a 144 Hz monitor will do just fine, and 240 Hz might feel overkill.

#6 – Can the human eye see 240Hz?

Scientists claim that human eyes cannot see beyond 60 Hz but due to some signal and data being lost as it reaches the brain. Psychologically, the human brain can detect up to 1000 frames per second. But the human eye cannot see beyond 60 Hz.

#7 – Is 4K or 240Hz better?

It depends if you are looking to experience games with the best graphic settings and enjoy the game to the full extent. For this purpose, 4K is the best choice for competitive games where FPS matter the most, 240 Hz is better, as it will provide several advantages like smooth animations and less input delay.

#8 – Can RTX 3090 run 240Hz?

The RTX 3090 is the best card Nvidia has ever made, but it also struggles to maintain a framerate of 80+ at 4K sometimes. In lower resolutions like the 1080p or 1440p, the card will take advantage of the 240 Hz monitor refresh rate. The RTX 3090 can run most games on 1440p with more than 120 frames per second, which does not make it a valid choice for a 240 Hz upgrade. It also struggles to provide over 150 FPS in AAA and graphic-intensive games at 1080p.

#9 – Can a RTX 3080 run 144Hz?

The RTX 3080 is another solid card capable of running games at 1440p without any issues. In high graphic-intensive games, it can maintain up to 100 frames per second which makes it capable of running games at 1440p and 144 Hz. If we talk about 1080p and 144 Hz, the RTX 3080 will benefit the most from the 144 Hz monitor.

#10 – Is 4K 240Hz possible?

We do have monitors that are capable of running games at 4K 240 Hz, but when we talk about hardware, we are not nearly there. The best we can go is 1440p and 144 Hz. This is the case for single-player games, as these games rely on graphics. For competitive games, it is possible to achieve 4K and 240 Hz.

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